Balanced Expressions


   Let us consider expressions formed by nonnegative integers, the unary operator "-", the binary operators "+", "-", "*" and "/" and the symbols "( " and ")".
   Two expressions E and F are isomorphic if E can be obtained from F by replacing some nonnegative integers by others. The expressions (2+3) * 6 - (-4) and (7+0) * 6 - (-8) are isomorphic, but neither of them is isomorphic to (-2 +3) * 6 - (-4).
   An expression E is balanced if every binary operation in it is applied to two isomorphic expressions. The expressions -5, (1+2) * (3+5) and ((-3)/( -4))/(( -1)/( -100)) are balanced, while 12 + (3-2) is not.


   Given an expression E, check whether it is balanced.


   The input consists of several lines with the expressions to be tested, one per line.


   The output consists of a separated line for each expression with a single word, either YES or NO.

Sample Input
(1+2) * (3+5)

Sample Output