Problem C
Broken Keyboard
Input: standard input
Output: standard output
Time Limit: 1 second

Certain letter keys on a keyboard are broken but all non-letter keys are fully functional. Yet we have to type a text and we would like to know how many complete lines of the text we can type. Additionally, we would like to know which other letter keys can be broken such that we still can type the same lines from the text.


Your program should read input from standard input. The input includes a number of cases. The first line of each case lists a sequence of letters whose keys are broken. The following lines contain the text that we would like to type. This text ends with the following line



which should be also processed. No line of input is longer than 80 characters. The input is terminated by a case whose first line is


and this case is not to be processed.


The output should be formatted as a table, see the sample output. The header of the table occupies 4 lines and is shown below following an additional line numbering character positions; this line is not a part of the header.

| Keyboard | # of printable | Additionally, the following |
|          |      lines     |  letter keys can be broken  |

In the remaining rows of the table, you should output two lines for each case of input in the following format, see also the sample output.

The only white-space characters used in the table are space and new-line.

Sample Input

We will work with a basic time unit of an eighth-note. At any
given time, your left foot and right foot will each be on distinct
arrows. Only one foot may perform an action (changing arrows and/or
tapping) during any time unit; jumping is not allowed. Also, you must
remain facing forward in order to see the screen. This puts
limitations on which feet you can use to hit which arrows. Finally,
hitting two arrows in a row with the same foot ("double-tapping") is
exhausting, because you can't shift your weight onto that
foot. Ideally, you want to alternate feet all the way through a string
of consecutive arrows.



Output for Sample Input

| Keyboard | # of printable | Additionally, the following |
|          |      lines     |  letter keys can be broken  |
|     1    |        4       | jkq                         |
|     2    |        1       | abcdjkmnpqrsvwxyz           |
|     3    |        3       | acfhjklmpqrswxyz            |


Problem setter: Poitr Rudnicki, University of Alberta, Canada